Recently, I found myself craving a new and challenging piece of literature. I happened upon, as I’m sure many of you have, “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene. If you have been considering it as your next read, allow me to share my thoughts on the book. Perhaps I can assist you in making your decision. -Don
Table of Contents
What is The 48 Laws of Power?
The 48 Laws of power, is a literary work published in 1998 and written by Robert Greene. The book is designed to illustrate the undercurrents of power that exist in our daily lives, and provide instructional “laws” to help one navigate these currents. Greene uses historical examples, religious teachings, and various anecdotes to establish the validity of his laws, while drawing from some of the most powerful men and women that have walked this realm.

Overall thoughts:
I found the book to be all at once; fascinating, educational, and wildly entertaining. Allow me to break that down: The lens at which Greene approaches the world is through a very Nietzchean, power defines all, view. This will, if you are at all an ambitious person, titillate your mind endlessly.
As you read, watch the world around you be sculpted into an entirely different landscape; one that has mountains rising up before you and cliffs looming below. You may be inspired to hike to new peaks and rise out of your current situation. You may take notice to these cliffs and avoid traps you never knew existed. In addition to all of this, the stories that Greene draws from will make you wonder, drop your jaw, and sometimes laugh out loud.
Top Takeaways from The 48 Laws of Power:
Although there is a lot to be gained from reading this book, I can break my top takeaways down as follows:
First, be aware of the power dynamics that exist in your life right now. You may be naive to it, but you exist in a chain of command in multiple aspects of your life. Understanding and acknowledging where you are is the first step in changing your position.
Second, make goals. If you don’t have direction, you will likely end up wandering in front of someone who does. If said person’s will is strong, you don’t want to be in their way.
Third, sharpen your teeth. History is full of examples of betrayal, backstabbing, war, and conflict. Although hoping for the best provides comfort, the reality of life is that you should be prepared for the moment that you do find yourself in the way of a strong-willed person.
Should I read The 48 Laws of Power?
If you are here, chances are you’ve been considering it. My advice would be as follows: Go forward, but be aware. It is never a bad idea to open your mind, educate yourself, and add new tools to your arsenal. However, I’m sure you are aware of the old adage “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. This book will fill your mind with a map you may obsessively desire to follow. It may make you unsatisfied with your lot in life. It may make you dream of pursuing things that just might be better as dreams.
Before reading this book, know your nature. Know your goals. If you don’t feel the need for a guidebook to power, perhaps it’s better to leave this one on the shelf.
In Conclusion:
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene is an educational, thought-provoking, and entertaining read. It provides a set of well-supported laws on which you can re-structure your worldview and better position yourself in your existing power dynamics. To me, Don Lamont, it was well worth the read. To determine whether it’s right for you, you should first analyze your aspirations and decide how much emphasis you want to place on the role of power in your life.
Author’s note:
On another note, this is my first entry in the House of Lamont. Thank you, all who are here, for joining me. I appreciate the company in this space I have carved out for us: the thoughtful ones. Let us continue to look through the world and find things worth appreciating. Cheers. -Don